Since dataguard is not available, archived log need be manually applied.
1. put standby database to read-only
alter database open (open read only);
2. copy all data file, control file, password file. parameter file to new location.
You need rename them if location is changed.
alter database rename file 'J:\ORACLE\ORADATA\TEST\TEST_01.DBF' to 'O:\ORACLE\ORADATA\TEST\TEST_01.DBF' ;
alter database rename file 'J:\ORACLE\ORADATA\TEST\TEST_01.DBF' to 'O:\ORACLE\ORADATA\TEST\TEST_01.DBF' ;
3. start up database mount and apply log
sqlplus / as sysdba
startup mount
recover standy database.
1. control file from a standby database can be directly copied and used for new standby database. You don't need create a standby control file from primary one.
2. if control file is not copied during read only time period, you can copy it later. However this will cause a problem if new file was added after datafile copy.
3. if latest control file is used and includes new added data files, the new data files can be copied from standby database again after it is put back to read only. Even though the timestamp is not same for the first copied data files and later copied ones, archive log can be applied to both and make them sync.
4. if you use old control file and new file is added, you will have to add new file manually in 10g version.
alter database create datafile 'D:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\UNNAMED00160' as 'I:\ORACLE\ORADATA\TEST_INDX38.DBF' ;