Friday, February 3, 2012

oracle easy connection

sqlplus username/password@hostname:port/sid

1.if you don't provide password, it may give you below error
ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA

in linux
use sqlplus username@\"hostname:port/sid\"

2. you can provide the whole tns info for command line connection
for example
sqlplus username/password@(description = (address=(protocol = TCP)(HOST=hostname)(port = 1521))(connect_data=(server = dedicated)(service_name = sid)))

in linux, put quote on because parentheses is taken differently in shell.

sqlplus 'username/password@(description = (address=(protocol = TCP)(HOST=hostname)(port = 1521))(connect_data=(server = dedicated)(service_name = sid)))'


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