Friday, May 25, 2012

Change DB password for Informatica domain.


1. Shutdown Repository Service from admin console

2. Shutdown Integration Service from admin console

3. Shutdown informatica power center server
$INFA_HOME/tomcat/bin/ shutdown

4. change DB password

5. udpate domain with new password
$INFA_HOME/server/ UpdateGatewayNode -da [new database host]:[new database port] -du [new database user] -dp [new database password -dt [database type i.e. db2] -ds [new database name]

6. startup informatica server
$INFA_HOME/tomcat/bin/ startup

7. login into admin console

8. if repository service user the same db user as domain, change repository property with new password.

9 Start up Repository service

10. start up Integration service


a. if you don't shutdown repsoitory service before shutdown informatica server and repository and domain use one db user, admin console might not be available because the auto-startup of repository will auto-lock DB account in oracle database if profile is configured that way.

solution one: change password back to original one if you know. the startup informatica server and follow the procedure to change password.

solution two: create a copy of db user and update the domain with copy one. this should be ok, but we met some issue. need be tested again.

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