package: rlwrap-0.37-1.el5.i386.rpm
Now I could call sqlplus this way:
$ rlwrap sqlplus user/password@sid.
Finally I create an alias
alias sqlp =”rlwrap sqlplus”
alias sqlplus=”rlwrap sqlplus”
this I would avoid. rlwrap does not support non-interactive mode (echo xxx | sqlplus), is not an oracle support tool, and crashes occasionnaly.
Personnaly I do
alias q=”rlwrap sqlplus”
so that I can always use sqlplus to run important script, and keep rlwrap for not-productive stuff.
the first variant is ok:
$ alias sqlplus=”rlwrap sqlplus”
If you want history, then you run alias:
$ sqlplus
To run command instead of the alias you add backslash:
$ \sqlplus
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